Tag: organization

Read Like This. So You Can Write Like This.


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Read like this, so you can write like this

Read like this, so you can write like this
Sniff out a theme like a hound dog
Uncover motivations a detective on a case
Which words make your head nod
What sentences capture your thoughts to relate

Diagnose a plot like a physician
What are the big ideas? What techniques are used?
How does she organize flow and transition?
How does his personality shine through?



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The Writing Process (Bbbbbrainstorm)


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organize, and write, 

write, write, write, 

draft and re-write again!

Edit – revise, 

don’t forget to capitalize! 

Write, write, 

publish at the end.


Step up, step up! 

Won’t you come inside. 

Writing is easy 

when you a abide 

by these simple steps, 

now you’re doing it right: 

motivate, organize, 

review, and revise!


Motivation is the spark 

that makes you write. 

It could be something you 

love, or strongly dislike.

You could write about your 

dog, or your trip to Spain

…or when you fell off of your 

bike and found yourself in pain. 


Now you organize your thoughts 

and put them in order. 

You can do it on paper, 

or with a recorder.

Then put your pen to paper, 

and write out a rough draft, 

and you’ll be on your way 

to mastering the craft. 




You’ve written your draft, 

now it’s time for review. 

Share it with a friend 

and find something new.

Pass it around until you 

get some feedback.

You can find out what’s strong 

and what your piece lacks. 


You’ve got your critique, 

it’s time for revisions. 

Operate like a surgeon 

and make some incisions. 

Then you polish it up 

for the final presentation,

and ready your bow 

for your standing ovation.


Chorus x2



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Do You Have an Ending?


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Do you have an ending? x5


You can reflect, or circle back to the beginning (start off with a bang!)

You can give some advice, a moral or a lesson learned

You can end with a twist, cliffhanger or big feelings

Share wishes, hopes or dreams

Dialogue, a quote, describe a scene,  or end with a question


Do you have an ending? x4


You can reflect, or circle back to the beginning (start off with a bang!)

You can give some advice, a moral or a lesson learned

You can end with a twist, cliffhanger or big feelings

Share wishes, hopes or dreams

Dialogue, a quote, describe a scene,  or end with a question


Do you have an ending? x4




Do you have an ending? x4

Mister Lemur!


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Pick. Organize. Write! (POW!)


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P is pick a topic

O is organize

W is write write 

write write write 


P O W!

Pick a topic organize and write

P O W!

Pick a topic organize and write



a bunch of topics, 

this is the very first step.

Write the topic on the middle 

of your page, 

List everything you know, 

you can make a word web


Now that you’ve got 

your thoughts 

in front of you, 

displayed, and out 

of your head


It’s time to organize 

with an outline, a map, 

a writer’s best friend.


P O W!

Pick a topic organize and write

P O W!

Pick a topic organize and write


What is an outline? 

It’s like a story’s skeleton, 

a framework, essential tool.

Like a GPS for your car 

to help your driver 

get to school.


Just like a map, it directs you 

where you’re going, 

that’s why you create this first.

It’s not full sentences, 

just small notes from which 

your writing will emerge


P O W!

Pick a topic organize and write

P O W!

Pick a topic organize and write


P is pick a topic

O is organize

W is write write 

write write write 


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Start Off With a Bang!


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Start Off with a Bang!


Gotta have a HOOK!

Gotta have a HOOK!


Boom Shakalaka. Oh My! 

Gotta have a HOOK! 

Gotta have a HOOK!


Now that I’ve got your attention, you see how I hooked you in. You’re interested, engaged in the book or the story, maybe even worried! Is our character ok..?


You will never find out, unless you live through every word on every page.

Every single good book has an opening that starts out with a BANG!


Boom! Onomatopoeia! 

Gotta have a HOOK!

Gotta have a HOOK


“Wait, stop!” cried mom. Use dialogue! 

Gotta have a HOOK.

Gotta have a HOOK


The next thing that I knew – transitional phrase! 

Gotta have a HOOK!

Gotta have a HOOK!


Boom Shakalaka! Oh My! 

Gotta have a HOOK! 

Gotta have a HOOK!


Here are a few tips you can use to hook your audience:

You can start with a word that is used for a sound, like “zip,” “zoom,” “splat,” “smash,” or “wham.”

It’s called an onomatopoeia. Use it on your reader.

The excitement will grab their attention quickly and they will be in the palm of your hand.


Here is another way, hook your reader by opening with dialogue. That’s using quotation marks to begin with something that a character says. 


A transitional phrase is another way to keep your reader hooked, a sentence that keeps your story flowing that often has words like “next,” “last,” or “then.”


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Beginning, Middle, End


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I’m climbing a mountain 


Stories have beginnings, 

middles and ends.

Needed are characters 

and a setting to begin

the middle needs a build up, 

problem, struggles, & suspense

Finally resolution 

I’m climbing a mountain


This story mountain 

might look tall 

when were standing 

at the bottom


Don’t worry just clip in, 

follow each step, 

were gonna climb the top

and down the back side.


Step 1: Decide on a setting 

a time and location. 

Step 2: Introduce characters 


I’m climbing a mountain.


We’re arriving at the middle 

and the grade is beginning 

to get steep. 


Time for a build up, 

what seems be the problem, 

are there clues to help me

What’s happening? 

This is called rising action, 

needed struggles 

to build suspense.


And finally 

we’ve reached the peak, 

this is called the climax


I’m climbing a mountain 


Stories have beginnings, 

middles and ends.

Needed are characters 

and a setting to begin

the middle needs a build up, 

problem, struggles, & suspense

Finally resolution 

I’m climbing a mountain


We’re on the back side 

of our mountain. 

Gotta work things out.

Just let me explain 

what the falling action 

is all about


Just say resolve the conflict

w-w-w-work things out

we gotta solve the problem

This is what the ending, 

resolution’s about

Just say resolve the conflict

w-w-w-work things out

we gotta solve the problem



Stories have beginnings, 

middles and ends.

Needed are characters 

and a setting to begin

the middle needs a build up, 

problem, struggles, & suspense

Finally resolution 

I’m climbing a mountain

I’m climbing a mountain

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