Write the Phrase, Draw the Phrase




Players sit in circle. Each player has a stack of index cards. Stacks should have as many index cards as there are players in the game. For example, if there are six players, you should prepare six stacks of six index cards each.

  1. Each player writes a funny phrase on the top index card in his or her stack.
  2. Players pass their ENTIRE stack to the right.
  3. Each player reads the index card at the top of the stack, then moves the card to the back of the stack. On the blank card that is now on top of the stack, each player illustrates (no words) the phrase he or she just read.
  4. Players then pass the ENTIRE stack to the right.
  5. Each player looks at the drawing at the top of the stack, then moves the card to the back of the stack. On the blank card that is now on top of the stack, each player writes a sentence describing the illustration he or she just saw. Players are NOT allowed to look at cards other than the one at the top of the stack.
  6. Repeat this process, alternating writing a sentence and drawing a picture until each stack returns to its original owner.
  7. Ask players to share how their phrases changed as they moved around the circle
