What Time is It, Mr. Wolf?


Cones to mark the playing field, all campers in a line on one side



  1. Choose one player to be Mr. Wolf. Have him stand at the other end of the playing field, facing AWAY from other players. Mr. Wolf may not look back at the players at any time.
  2. The other players line up at the opposite end of the field, facing Mr. Wolf. Have them say in unison, “What time is it, Mr. Wolf?” And Mr. Wolf will respond with a time, for example, “Three o’clock!”
  3. The players then must take three steps forward. Again, they will ask, “What time is it, Mr. Wolf?” And Mr. Wolf will continue to give them times (up to 12 o’clock), and the players will continue to take the same number of steps as the time.
  4. When Mr. Wolf senses that some players are close at hand, instead of saying something – o’clock, he can shout, “Lunch Time!” and all players must dash back to the starting point while trying to avoid being Mr. Wolf’s lunch. The first person Mr. Wolf tags becomes Mr. Wolf in the next round.

NOTE: If AG is Wolf then face towards the campers, so they can be watched simultaneously
