Giants/Wizards/Elves (Full Body Rock Paper Scissors)




A team spin-off of ro-sham-bo


  1. Split players into two team, standing on opposite sides of a linear boundary.
  2. Before each round, each team will collectively decide whether they want to be giants, wizards, or elves. (wizards beat giants, giants beat elves, and elves beat wizards).
  3. During the round, each team will line up facing each other by the boundary, then all chant “giants, wizards, elves.”
  4. After chanting, each team will act as whichever character they chose (giants wave their hands in the air, wizards stick their arms out and get low to the ground like they are casting a spell, and elves squat and use their hands as elf ears).
  5. Whichever side has the character that is winning, chases the other team and tries to tag them before they cross the far boundary. Any member tagged has to join the other team, and the round starts over.

