Lemur Leader




Cones to mark the playing field, all campers in a line on one side. One camper is “Lemur Leader” in the middle

  1. Choose a player to be “Lemur Leader.”Lemur Leader stands in the middle of the field
  2. Line the rest of the players up on one side. Players chant: “Lemur Leader, Lemur Leader, may I cross the river?”
  3. Lemur Leader then decides who may cross the river based on descriptive attributes such as “Only if you’re wearing red.”(NOTE: Lemur Leader MUST chose a trait that more than one person shares. No singling campers out please )Those who were described by the attribute attempt to run to the other side of the field without being tagged.
  4. Those who are tagged also become “Lemur Leaders”
  5. Repeat until everyone has been tagged

Tip: For the first two or three rounds, you may want to be Lemur Leader so that the campers have an example. If you have younger campers you may want to continue as Lemur Leader (or co-lead with a camper by providing suggestions and support). If you have older campers you may be able to make one of them Lemur Leader sooner.


*Note in this video the game is called Uncle Sam. While it is the same gameplay and a great example, we have our leaders called Lemur Leader to stick with the Mister Lemur’s Adventures in Writing Camp Theme 🙂